Feldenkrais Sydney Logo

Feldenkrais Classes & Workshops

Current classes

Awareness Through Movement 2 - commencing April 2024

Previous classes

2024 classes
Awareness Through Movement - commencing February 2024

2023 classes
Repetition without Repetition - commencing October 2023
Awareness Through Movement - commencing July 2023

2022 classes
The Body Pattern of Life - commencing October 2022
Exploring the World - commencing July 2022
Walking - commencing April 2022
Riding Ups and Downs - commencing February 2022

2021 classes
Learning by Moving - commencing October 2021
Putting it all together - commencing July 2021
Ribs in Perspective - commencing April 2021
WELL-BEING - commencing February 2021

2020 workshops (via Zoom)
Know-how for the Equestrian Athlete - September 2020
Riding Life's Ups and Downs - September 2020

2020 classes
LEARNING from the INSIDE OUT 2 - commencing October 2020
LEARNING from the INSIDE OUT - commencing July 2020
NOW! - commencing April 2020
Patterns of Life - commencing February 2020

2019 classes
Imagination and Memory - commencing November 2019
Staying Alive! Workshop for Teachers, Trainers & Therapists - Thursday 13 June 2019
Potent Self - commencing April/May 2019
Dimensions - commencing February 2019

2018 classes
The Art of Walking - commencing July 2018
Twisty Series - commencing May 2018
Considering Sensation - commencing February 2018
Work, Rest and Play

2017 classes
Enlarging the Envelope 2 - commencing October 2017
Enlarging the Envelope - commencing August 2017
Creating Space for Rest, Work and Play - commencing May 2017
Movement and Learning for Life Foundations - commencing February 2017

2016 classes
Foundations for Living: Pendulums, Patterns and Propulsion - commencing September 2016
Foundations for Walking; Foundations for Living - commencing June 2016
Foundations for Movement; Foundations for Living - commencing April 2016
Foundations for Movement; Foundations for Living - commencing February 2016

2015 classes
The Simple Act of Moving - commencing October 2015
Field of Action - commencing July 2015
Field of Action - commencing April 2015
Field of Action - commencing February 2015

2014 classes
Stepping Up - commencing October 2014
Stepping Out - commencing August 2014
Relationships - commencing April 2014
Moving and Learning - commencing February 2014

2013 classes
Moving and Learning 4 - commencing October 2013
Moving and Learning 3 - commencing July 2013
Moving and Learning 2 - commencing May 2013
Moving and Learning - commencing February 2013

2012 classes
Your Own Music - commencing October 2012
Homuncular Refreshment - commencing July 2012
Liveliness - commencing May 2012
Liveliness - commencing February 2012

2011 classes
Paying Attention to Quality Every Day - commencing October 2011
Paying Attention to Quality - commencing July 2011
Perfectly Human - commencing May 2011
Perfectly Human - commencing February 2011

2010 classes
Rhythms in Life 3 - commencing October 2010
Rhythms in Life - commencing July 2010
Walking - commencing May 2010
Mind and Its Potential - commencing February 2010

2009 classes
The Carriage of the Head - commencing October 2009
Dexterity - commencing July 2009
Revitalise and Rejoice in Movement - commencing May 2009
Moving Efficiently - commencing February 2009

Feldenkrais Image
Photos courtesy of Mode Photography
Feldenkrais Method
Australian Physiotherapy Association
© 2009-