Feldenkrais Sydney Logo

Feldenkrais Classes

The below classes have now finished. Please click here for information on Feldenkrais classes currently offered.


The discovery of the relationships between different parts of our body begins early in our development. As we bring conscious attention to the spatial relationships between our limbs movement becomes coordinated and flowing and we create the space in which we live. As we create our social world, we learn the importance of relations between us and other people and how to connect in life enhancing ways.

Joining a Feldenkrais class will give you the opportunity to observe yourself in action, to recover patterns no longer used and to experience new ones. We will explore, in awareness through movement and via recent research, the way the two hemispheres of our brains show us different realities and how we integrate these world views in action.

Many people first encounter Feldenkrais to aid rehabilitation from injury. Most stay on long after any injury is healed or rehabilitation complete because they recognise the ongoing benefits in their lives.

Teacher Catherine Hamber,
Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner & Physiotherapist
Times Tuesdays at 6pm, commencing 29 April 2014
Wednesdays at 10:15am and 6pm, commencing 30 April 2014
There will be no classes on 13th & 14th of May

Lessons last about an hour
Location Hills District, North-West Sydney
Cost Term - 8 lessons $155
Casual - $25 per session if space

Previous Feldenkrais classes

Feldenkrais Image
Photos courtesy of Mode Photography
Feldenkrais Method
Australian Physiotherapy Association
© 2009-