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January, 2024

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024.

A highlight of last year was my collaboration on an article with colleague Anna Yeatman. What Moshe mean by manipulation? has been published in the Australian Feldenkrais Journal 2023. As members of the same study group, we found rich discussions in our reflections on this core Feldenkrais term. Our on-going conversations continue to explore and clarify what it is to be human and to practice the Feldenkrais Method.

Imagination is the faculty by which we nurture reality into being. (McGilchrist 2021)

Feldenkrais (and practitioners) frequently invite students to imagine the movement. And there is usually amazement at how an imagined movement (even if it seemed impossible to enact initially) improves ability.

Staying open to the possibility of improvement is the doorway to the realisation of potential. Meeting what seems familiar with wonder and curiosity opens a new relationship with the world.

I am indebted to Iain McGilchrist and his exceptional and encyclopaedic exploration of how brain hemispheric ways of paying attention shape our world view in the the Matter with Things (2021) for expanding exponentially my know-how and inspiring ongoing reflection of the process of life.

My practice will open again on 7th February, with classes and individual sessions available.

More about 2023

The series of practitioner workshops, Refreshing FI, brought together a mix of practitioners from across Australia - one of the benefits of the reach and ease of Zoom stimulated by Covid. Lively and open discussions followed our observation and study of Moshe showing us how he practiced his Method. This expanded repertoire and called forward new insights for the benefit of our clients and ourselves. Watch this space for more practitioner workshops this year.

After presenting to our community about Feldenkrais with animals, I am facilitating an online practitioner group to continue learning and exchanging knowledge and experiences. This will continue in 2024.


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Photos courtesy of Mode Photography
Feldenkrais Method
Australian Physiotherapy Association
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