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Feldenkrais Classes

The below classes have now finished. Please click here for information on Feldenkrais classes currently offered.

Riding Ups and Downs

"Harmonious, efficient movement prevents wear and tear. More important however, is what it does to the image of ourselves and our relationship to the world around us."
Moshe Feldenkrais

As 2022 shapes up to being another year of unknown unknowns, we will all be riding the ups and downs.

What is your 'go-to' movement practice to regulate your system? Walking, horse riding, swimming, yoga, Feldenkrais ..... there are many. Underlying your satisfaction in these activities is your ability to modulate and direct yourself.

The mind and the body can be seen are two ends of the same piece of string! They are indivisible and yet influence each other. A pull at one end is experienced at the other. A pull in the mind can cause cross-motivation in action. The amplitude of a push in the body gives a felt sense of power, and can be modulated in present time to fulfil our intentions.

In awareness through movement we examine and learn how to harmonise our movement and our thoughts and feelings so that life is more satisfying.

Teacher Catherine Hamber,
Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner & Physiotherapist
Times Wednesdays at 6:30pm commencing 2 February
Lessons last about an hour
Location Online through Zoom, or
by booking at my studio (numbers limited by COVID safety)
Cost Term - 9 lessons for $175
Casual - $30 per session if space

Previous Feldenkrais classes

Feldenkrais Image
Photos courtesy of Mode Photography
Feldenkrais Method
Australian Physiotherapy Association
© 2009-