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Feldenkrais Classes

The below classes have now finished. Please click here for information on Feldenkrais classes currently offered.

The simple act of moving

Considering yourself and your relationship with the world

Attending the St Albans Writers Festival last weekend, I was intrigued by one of the books presented. In The Simple Act of Reading, Debra Adelaide has collected and edited contributions from well-known writers about aspects of reading that they have found meaningful. She notes that the "collection is not necessarily about the books we read and continue to read, but how. How reading forges mysterious and vital pathways through our brains ... how it nurtures enquiry, curiosity and engagement with worlds outside of ourselves."

Considering the simple act of reading, resonated because, of course, considering the simple act of moving is my way of learning about myself and of encountering the world. So to begin ... what movement memories do you treasure from childhood?

Come to class this term to delve into your movement memory; to re-member, recover and re-create yourself.

Teacher Catherine Hamber,
Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner & Physiotherapist
Times Tuesdays at 6pm, commencing 6 October 2015
Wednesdays at 6pm, commencing 7 October 2015
Lessons last about an hour
Location Hills District, North-West Sydney
Cost Term - 7 lessons $135
Casual - $25 per session if space

Previous Feldenkrais classes

Feldenkrais Image
Photos courtesy of Mode Photography
Feldenkrais Method
Australian Physiotherapy Association
© 2009-