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Feldenkrais Classes

The below classes have now finished. Please click here for information on Feldenkrais classes currently offered.

Perfectly Human

Human beings have certain abilities which seem to be pre-ordained - that is one is either 'good' or 'not good' at swimming or skiing or mathematics. What are the circumstances that create this ability? What are the physical movements? What are the thinking, feeling and sensing abilities that make it possible to learn, to develop and progress in one's self-awareness to bring about either new or better actions? Without conscious attention to what one is feeling during an action and without applying this attention directly to the entire movement resulting from these actions, no development will occur - simple mechanical repetition will never make this come about.

How do you decide where to place your attention? What areas of your life merit more consideration? Where do you need more information? How could you guide and accept what happens in your life to enjoy the ride with more lightness and freshness?

The classic Feldenkrais lessons will engage us in refreshing body and mind for improving quality of life. In Awareness through Movement the accent is not on which movement you deal with but on how you direct yourself doing it.

Teacher Catherine Hamber,
Certified Feldenkrais® Practitioner & Physiotherapist
Times Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 6pm
Wednesday daytime class subject to interest
Commencing 10 & 11 May, 2011

Lessons last from 45 mins - 1 hr
Location Hills District, North-West Sydney
Cost Term - 8 lessons $155
Casual - $25 per session if space
Feldenkrais Image
Photos courtesy of Mode Photography
Feldenkrais Method
Australian Physiotherapy Association
© 2009-